
Get Transcription Data

Get data from pending or completed transcriptions

Transcribe from a Microphone or LiveStream

Transcribe live speech from a microphone or live stream

Transcription Sessions

Monitor and manage transcription state with sessions

Translate a Transcription

Translate transcribed text to another language

Transcribe Audio from URL

Transcribe speech from pre-recorded audio in a URL to plain text

Client Side Authentication Tokens

Create a temporary authentication token for client side requests

Transcription Request and Response

Common request options and responses for all transcription operations

Transcribe and Present a Polyglot Session

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Create a session that can be used to broadcast a live transcription via a public shareable link. Users can read live transcriptions in their preferred language, and even past transcriptions when your session is inactive.
A Polyglot session has a unique polyglot_id, which when provided to live transcription API requests gives the following benefits:
  • Users can read your transcription in real time using a public shareable link.
  • Users can choose the language in which to read the transcription in real time.
  • Users can read your transcription at a later time, and all other transcriptions integrated with your particular Polyglot session.
Transcribe from a Microphone or LiveStream
Transcribe live speech from a microphone or live stream. Integrate with Polyglot to create a public shareable link for the transcription which users can read in any language.
You are welcome to use the VocalStack API and implement your own white labelled UI instead of using the one provided by VocalStack. We would love to hear about it if you do, so we can learn about how to make our product better!
Learn more about how Polyglot works at
Polyglot sessions are most easily created and managed using the Dashboard. However they can also be managed programatically:
import { Polyglot } from '@vocalstack/js-sdk'; const polyglot = new Polyglot({ apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY' }); const session = { // the name of the session name: 'My Presentation', // specifies the custom link for the session: link: 'a-custom-url', // Optional: language of the speech spoken // (this can be used to improve the transcription accuracy) language: 'en', // Optional: must be a valid HLS streaming protocol livestream_url: 'https://.../stream.m3u8', // Optional: Stop the stream after this many seconds of inactivity timeout_period_s: 60, // Optional: Hard stop the stream after this many seconds max_duration_s: 300, // Optional: a custom password for the session if you want to restrict access to the public shareable link password: 'password', }; // CREATE const response = await polyglot.createSession(session); const polyglot_id =; // READ await polyglot.getSession({ id: polyglot_id }); // UPDATE await polyglot.updateSession({ id: polyglot_id, ...session }); // DELETE await polyglot.deleteSession({ id: polyglot_id }); // LIST ALL SESSIONS await polyglot.getAllSessions();
If a Polyglot session with the link "my-url" has been created then this would be available publicly at
However, we can also listen to to the transcription progress programatically:
import { Polyglot } from '@vocalstack/js-sdk'; const polyglot = new Polyglot({ apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY' }); const stream = await polyglot.getLiveSessionStream({ link: 'a-custom-url', password: 'password', // include only if the session has a password }); // Listen to any live transcriptions that are associated // with the polyglot session. stream.onData((response) => { const { data } = response; // The entire transcription object of the current transcription const transcription = data.activeTranscription; // An object with the transcription timeline console.log(transcription.timeline); });
Translations to Polyglot transcriptions can be added by anyone with access to the public session url. However, these can also be added programatically:
Translate a Transcription
Translate transcribed text to another language. This can be done for any transcription, including prerecorded transcriptions, live transcriptions or Polyglot session transcriptions.
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