Prepisujte govor v živo iz mikrofona ali pretoka v živo
Spremljajte in upravljajte stanje prepisa s sejami
Prevedite prepisano besedilo v drug jezik
Prepis govora iz predhodno posnetega zvoka v URL v navadno besedilo
Ustvarite začasni žeton za preverjanje pristnosti za zahteve na strani odjemalca
Skupne možnosti zahteve in odzivi za vse postopke prepisovanja
Ustvarite sejo, ki jo lahko uporabite za oddajanje prepisa v živo prek javne povezave za skupno rabo
iz VocalStack SDK:JavaScriptimport { Transcriptions } from '@vocalstack/js-sdk'; const sdk = new Transcriptions({ apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY' }); const transcriptions = await sdk.getAllTranscriptions(); => { // the transcription ID (use this to get more details about the transcription) console.log(; // 'waiting', 'processing', 'done', or 'error' console.log(transcription.status); // the time the transcription started console.log(transcription.start); // the time the transcription finalized console.log(transcription.end); // the keywords associated with the transcription console.log(transcription.keywords); // the length of the transcription in seconds console.log(transcription.duration); });
tega prepisa. id
se vrne, ko se prvič sproži proces prepisovanja. Vendar pa jo lahko dobimo tudi tako, da pogledamo vse prepise z uporabo zgornjega API-ja. Transcriptions
Čakajoči prepisiJavaScriptimport { Transcriptions } from '@vocalstack/js-sdk'; const sdk = new Transcriptions({ apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY' }); const transcription = await sdk.getTranscription({ id: 'TRANSCRIPTION-ID' }); const data =; if (data) { // the transcription ID (use this to get more details about the transcription) console.log(; // 'waiting', 'processing', 'done', or 'error' console.log(data.status); // the time the transcription started console.log(data.start); // the time the transcription finalized console.log(data.end); // the keywords associated with the transcription console.log(data.keywords); // the length of the transcription in seconds console.log(data.duration); // an object with the transcription timeline console.log(data.timeline); // a summary of the transcription console.log(data.summary); // the entire transcription in paragraph form console.log(data.paragraphs); }
in summary
Naslednji korakiparagraphs