Iegūt datus no gaidošām vai pabeigtām transkripcijām
Transcribe tiešraides runu no mikrofona vai tiešraides straumi
Uzraudzīt un pārvaldīt transkripcijas statusu ar sesijām
Tulkot transkripcijas tekstu citā valodā
Izveidot pagaidu autentifikācijas žetonu klienta puses pieprasījumiem
Vispārējās pieprasījumu opcijas un atbildes visām transkripcijas darbībām
Izveidojiet sesiju, kuru var izmantot, lai pārraidītu tiešraides transkripciju, izmantojot publiski kopīgojamu saiti
JavaScriptimport { UrlTranscription } from '@vocalstack/js-sdk'; const sdk = new UrlTranscription({ apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY' }); const transcription = await sdk.connect({ url: '', }); transcription.start(); // This will print the transcription data as it comes in transcription.onData(console.log); /* { status: 'processing', data: { id: 'd1e7b3b0-7b3b-4b3b-8b3b-0b3b7b3b3b3b', operation: 'transcription-prerecorded', progress: 0.1, timeline: [ { start: 0, end: 7.52, text: 'Meaningless, meaningless, says the teacher, utterly meaningless, everything is meaningless.', language: 'en', translations: { ... }, }, ... ] } } */
JavaScript// Run "npm install @voca l-stack/js-sdk" to install the package import { UrlTranscription } from '@vocalstack/js-sdk'; // Get your key here ⇢ const sdk = new UrlTranscription({ apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY' }); const transcription = await sdk.connect({ // URL to the audio file url: '', // Optional: language of the speech spoken // (this can be used to improve the transcription accuracy) language: 'en', // Optional: the maximum duration to transcribe, in seconds // (if not provided, the entire audio file will be transcribed) max_duration_s: 1800, // Optional: the actual duration of the audio file, in seconds // (the transcription starts only if the audio file matches this duration) duration_s: 3600, }); // Start the transcription transcription.start(); // Listen for transcription data transcription.onData((response) => { const { status, data } = response; console.log(status); // 'waiting', 'processing', 'done', or 'error' if (data) { console.log(data.progress); // a value between 0 and 1 console.log(data.timeline); // an object with the transcription timeline } if (status === 'done') { console.log(data.summary); // a summary of the transcription console.log(data.keywords); // an array of keywords console.log(data.paragraphs); // the entire transcription in paragraph form } });