Iegūt datus no gaidošām vai pabeigtām transkripcijām
Transcribe tiešraides runu no mikrofona vai tiešraides straumi
Uzraudzīt un pārvaldīt transkripcijas statusu ar sesijām
Tulkot transkripcijas tekstu citā valodā
Transkribēt runu no iepriekš ierakstīta audio URL vienkāršā tekstā
Izveidot pagaidu autentifikācijas žetonu klienta puses pieprasījumiem
Vispārējās pieprasījumu opcijas un atbildes visām transkripcijas darbībām
poliglots_ id
, kas, ja to nodrošina tiešraides transkripcijas API pieprasījumi, dod šādas priekšrocības:JavaScriptimport { Polyglot } from '@vocalstack/js-sdk'; const polyglot = new Polyglot({ apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY' }); const session = { // the name of the session name: 'My Presentation', // specifies the custom link for the session: link: 'a-custom-url', // Optional: language of the speech spoken // (this can be used to improve the transcription accuracy) language: 'en', // Optional: must be a valid HLS streaming protocol livestream_url: 'https://.../stream.m3u8', // Optional: Stop the stream after this many seconds of inactivity timeout_period_s: 60, // Optional: Hard stop the stream after this many seconds max_duration_s: 300, // Optional: a custom password for the session if you want to restrict access to the public shareable link password: 'password', }; // CREATE const response = await polyglot.createSession(session); const polyglot_id =; // READ await polyglot.getSession({ id: polyglot_id }); // UPDATE await polyglot.updateSession({ id: polyglot_id, ...session }); // DELETE await polyglot.deleteSession({ id: polyglot_id }); // LIST ALL SESSIONS await polyglot.getAllSessions();
JavaScriptimport { Polyglot } from '@vocalstack/js-sdk'; const polyglot = new Polyglot({ apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY' }); const stream = await polyglot.getLiveSessionStream({ link: 'a-custom-url', password: 'password', // include only if the session has a password }); // Listen to any live transcriptions that are associated // with the polyglot session. stream.onData((response) => { const { data } = response; // The entire transcription object of the current transcription const transcription = data.activeTranscription; // An object with the transcription timeline console.log(transcription.timeline); });