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JavaScriptimport { LiveTranscription } from '@vocalstack/js-sdk'; const sdk = new LiveTranscription({ apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY' }); const stream = await sdk.connect({ // Optional: Integrate this stream with a Polyglot session polyglot_id: 'YOUR-POLYGLOT-SESSION-ID', // Optional: language of the speech spoken // (this can be used to improve the transcription accuracy) language: 'en', // Optional: Translate the transcription to these languages translations: ['de'], // Optional: Stop the stream after this many seconds of inactivity timeout_period_s: 60, // Optional: Hard stop the stream after this many seconds max_duration_s: 300, }); // Start the stream stream.start(); // Get audio data from a microphone and send it to the stream // stream.sendBuffer(buffer); // *** This is a placeholder for the actual implementation *** // Manually stop the stream (in this example, after 60 seconds) // If max_duration_s is set, stopping the stream is optional setTimeout(() => stream.stop(), 60000); // Listen for stream transcription data stream.onData((response) => { const { status, data } = response; console.log(status); // 'waiting', 'processing', 'done', 'stopping' or 'error' if (data) { console.log(data.timeline); // an object with the transcription timeline } if (status === 'done') { console.log(data.summary); // a summary of the transcription console.log(data.keywords); // an array of keywords console.log(data.paragraphs); // the entire transcription in paragraph form } });
JavaScriptconst mic = require('mic'); // Create a new instance of the microphone utility const micInstance = mic(); // Get the audio input stream const micStream = micInstance.getAudioStream(); // Capture the audio data from the microphone micStream.on('data', (data) => { stream.sendBuffer(data); // send the buffer data to the VocalStack API }); // Start capturing audio from the microphone micInstance.start();
API eins og sjá má í eftirfarandi dæmi. (Það getur líka verið góð hugmynd að nota pakka eins og recordrtc
sem bætir vafra eindrægni) JavaScript// Request access to the microphone const mediaStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true }); // Create a MediaRecorder instance to capture audio data const mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(mediaStream); // Event handler to process audio data packets mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = async (event) => { const blob = event.data; // this is the audio packet (Blob) const buffer = await blob.arrayBuffer(); // convert the Blob to a Buffer stream.sendBuffer(buffer); // send the buffer data to the VocalStack API }; // Start capturing audio, and send it to the stream every second mediaRecorder.start(1000);
. m3u8
skráarheiti sem táknar gilda HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) lagalistaskrá.JavaScriptimport { LiveTranscription } from '@vocalstack/js-sdk'; const sdk = new LiveTranscription({ apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY' }); const stream = await sdk.connect({ // must be a valid HLS streaming protocol livestream_url: 'http://a.files.bbci.co.uk/media/live/manifesto/audio/simulcast/hls/nonuk/sbr_low/ak/bbc_world_service.m3u8', // The rest of these options are the same as for microphone live transcriptons }); stream.start(); stream.onData((response) => { // The response object is the same as the one // returned by microphone transcriptions });
polyglot_ id
valkostur við beiðni um uppskrift, eins og sýnt er í dæmunum hér að ofan.