Hent data fra ventende eller afsluttede transskriptioner
Overvåg og administrer transskriptionsstatus med sessioner
Oversæt transskriberet tekst til et andet sprog
Transskriber tale fra forudindspillet lyd i en URL til almindelig tekst
Opret et midlertidigt godkendelsestegn til anmodninger på klientsiden
Fælles anmodningsindstillinger og svar for alle transskriptionshandlinger Brug indstillinger til at konfigurere transskriptionsindstillingerne
Opret en session, der kan bruges til at udsende en live-transskription via et offentligt link, der kan deles
JavaScriptimport { LiveTranscription } from '@vocalstack/js-sdk'; const sdk = new LiveTranscription({ apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY' }); const stream = await sdk.connect({ // Optional: Integrate this stream with a Polyglot session polyglot_id: 'YOUR-POLYGLOT-SESSION-ID', // Optional: language of the speech spoken // (this can be used to improve the transcription accuracy) language: 'en', // Optional: Translate the transcription to these languages translations: ['de'], // Optional: Stop the stream after this many seconds of inactivity timeout_period_s: 60, // Optional: Hard stop the stream after this many seconds max_duration_s: 300, }); // Start the stream stream.start(); // Get audio data from a microphone and send it to the stream // stream.sendBuffer(buffer); // *** This is a placeholder for the actual implementation *** // Manually stop the stream (in this example, after 60 seconds) // If max_duration_s is set, stopping the stream is optional setTimeout(() => stream.stop(), 60000); // Listen for stream transcription data stream.onData((response) => { const { status, data } = response; console.log(status); // 'waiting', 'processing', 'done', 'stopping' or 'error' if (data) { console.log(data.timeline); // an object with the transcription timeline } if (status === 'done') { console.log(data.summary); // a summary of the transcription console.log(data.keywords); // an array of keywords console.log(data.paragraphs); // the entire transcription in paragraph form } });
JavaScriptconst mic = require('mic'); // Create a new instance of the microphone utility const micInstance = mic(); // Get the audio input stream const micStream = micInstance.getAudioStream(); // Capture the audio data from the microphone micStream.on('data', (data) => { stream.sendBuffer(data); // send the buffer data to the VocalStack API }); // Start capturing audio from the microphone micInstance.start();
(Det kan også være en god idé at bruge en pakke som.py, som kan bruges til at lave en.py-fil). recordrtc
hvilket forbedrer browserkompatibilitet) JavaScript// Request access to the microphone const mediaStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true }); // Create a MediaRecorder instance to capture audio data const mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(mediaStream); // Event handler to process audio data packets mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = async (event) => { const blob = event.data; // this is the audio packet (Blob) const buffer = await blob.arrayBuffer(); // convert the Blob to a Buffer stream.sendBuffer(buffer); // send the buffer data to the VocalStack API }; // Start capturing audio, and send it to the stream every second mediaRecorder.start(1000);
.hls er en filtypenavnetype, der repræsenterer en gyldig HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) afspilningslistefil.JavaScriptimport { LiveTranscription } from '@vocalstack/js-sdk'; const sdk = new LiveTranscription({ apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY' }); const stream = await sdk.connect({ // must be a valid HLS streaming protocol livestream_url: 'http://a.files.bbci.co.uk/media/live/manifesto/audio/simulcast/hls/nonuk/sbr_low/ak/bbc_world_service.m3u8', // The rest of these options are the same as for microphone live transcriptons }); stream.start(); stream.onData((response) => { // The response object is the same as the one // returned by microphone transcriptions });
polyglot_ id
mulighed for at anmode om transskription, som vist i eksemplerne ovenfor.