
Nôl Data Trawssgrifiad

Nôl data o drosysgrifiadau ar y gweill neu wedi'u cwblhau

Trosysgrifo o'r Meicroffon neu LiveStream

Trosysgrifo siarad byw o microffon neu llif byw

Sesiynau Trawssgrifiad

Monitro a rheoli cyflwr trosglwyddo gyda sesiynau

Trosysgrifo Sain o URL

Trosysgrifo iaith o sain wedi'i recordio'n barod mewn URL i destun plaen

Tocynnau Dilysiant Ochr y Cleient

Creu tocyn dilysiant dros dro ar gyfer ceisiadau ochr y cleient

Cais a Ymateb Trawssgrifiad

Dewisiadau cyffredin cais a chwynion am bob gweithrediad trosglwyddo

Trosysgrifo a Chyflwyno Sesiwn PolyglotName

Creu sesiwn y gellir ei ddefnyddio i ddarlledu trosglwyddiad byw drwy gyswllt cyhoeddus rhannadwy

Cyfieithu testun wedi' i drosi i iaith arall. Gellir gwneud hyn ar gyfer unrhyw drosi, gan gynnwys trosysgrifau wedi'u rhag- recordio, trosysgrifau byw neu drosysgrifau sesiwn Polyglot.
You can use the VocalStack API to translate any transcription, whether it is finished or still processing. If you have not yet started transcribing audio, you can do so with any of the following methods:
Trosysgrifo Sain o URL
Trosysgrifo iaith o sain wedi'i recordio'n barod mewn URL i destun plaen. Cynhelir fformatau ffeil mawr, gan gynnwys MP3, WAV, FLAC, a OGG.
Trosysgrifo o'r Meicroffon neu LiveStream
Trosysgrifo siarad byw o microffon neu llif byw. Cyfuno â Polyglot i greu cysylltiad cyhoeddus rhannadwy ar gyfer y trosysgrifiad y gall defnyddwyr ei ddarllen mewn unrhyw iaith.
Trosysgrifo a Chyflwyno Sesiwn PolyglotName
Creu sesiwn y gellir ei ddefnyddio i ddarlledu trosglwyddiad byw drwy gyswllt cyhoeddus rhannadwy. Gall defnyddwyr ddarllen trosysgrifiadau byw yn eu hoff iaith, a hyd yn oed trosysgrifiadau o'r gorffennol pan fo'ch sesiwn yn anweithredol.
If you need to load your translations as soon as they become available then you will want to listen to the translation request asynchronously:
import { Transcriptions } from '@vocalstack/js-sdk'; const sdk = new Transcriptions({ apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY' }); const translation = await sdk.addTranslationAsync({ id: 'TRANSCRIPTION-ID', language: 'de', }); translation.onData((response) => { // 'waiting', 'processing', 'done', or 'error' console.log(response.status); // the translated timeline console.log(; });
This method for translating simply sends the translation request, but does not wait for a response. This method can be useful if:
  • You don't need the translation right now, but you want to cache it for quick access in the future. (see Performance Caching)
  • There is a transcription in a live Polyglot session that you're already monitoring in another process, and you simply want to add a new translation to this transcription.
import { Transcriptions } from '@vocalstack/js-sdk'; const sdk = new Transcriptions({ apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY' }); // This is a synchronous request, so we cannot listen for the response sdk.addTranslation({ id: 'TRANSCRIPTION-ID', language: 'de' });
As translations execute on the backend, the persisted transcription data is updated to include the new translations. The persisted transcriptions get updated with each timeline segment translated, so API calls requesting transcription data will always return timeline objects with the most recent translations available.
This also means that you will only need to issue one translation request per language. (Additional requests will have no effect as the translations are already persisted.)
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