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z VocalStack SDK:JavaScriptimport { Transcriptions } from '@vocalstack/js-sdk'; const sdk = new Transcriptions({ apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY' }); const transcriptions = await sdk.getAllTranscriptions(); transcriptions.data?.forEach((transcription) => { // the transcription ID (use this to get more details about the transcription) console.log(transcription.id); // 'waiting', 'processing', 'done', or 'error' console.log(transcription.status); // the time the transcription started console.log(transcription.start); // the time the transcription finalized console.log(transcription.end); // the keywords associated with the transcription console.log(transcription.keywords); // the length of the transcription in seconds console.log(transcription.duration); });
z tohoto přepisu. id
je vrácen pokaždé, když je transkripční proces poprvé zahájen. Nicméně, může být také získána při pohledu na všechny přepisy pomocí API výše. Transcriptions
z VocalStack SDK:JavaScriptimport { Transcriptions } from '@vocalstack/js-sdk'; const sdk = new Transcriptions({ apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY' }); const transcription = await sdk.getTranscription({ id: 'TRANSCRIPTION-ID' }); const data = transcription.data; if (data) { // the transcription ID (use this to get more details about the transcription) console.log(data.id); // 'waiting', 'processing', 'done', or 'error' console.log(data.status); // the time the transcription started console.log(data.start); // the time the transcription finalized console.log(data.end); // the keywords associated with the transcription console.log(data.keywords); // the length of the transcription in seconds console.log(data.duration); // an object with the transcription timeline console.log(data.timeline); // a summary of the transcription console.log(data.summary); // the entire transcription in paragraph form console.log(data.paragraphs); }
, summary
a paragraphs